The combination of astrology, numerology and Tarot makes it conceivable to become more acquainted with each other better, to make a real diagnosis, to take care of issues and defeat all obstacles.
Astrology allows, from the exact calculation of the planetary places of birth, to represent a genuine diagnosis. It serves mindfulness, character portrayal and critical thinking. Astrology features years in advance the main themes of the different phases of our reality.
Numerology is the science that demonstrates that all life is represented by cadence and vibration. The calculation is made from the letters of the name, first names and date of birth. It allows to know his personality, his life cycles, the forecasts of the year and bearings to take.
The Tarots are an amazing tool of learning and forecast. The arcana answer a specific inquiry and give information on the psychological state of the consultant. They also give the chance to examine a man's future and make the correct decisions.
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